By Ashleigh Fielding | posted on October 21, 2017
YEAR 12 students across the Great Southern are closing in on the finale of their secondary education, with ATAR examinations due to commence on November 1.
Achieving an Australian Tertiary Admission Rank (ATAR) can be a stressful time for students, but Department of Education Regional Executive Director of the South West Neil Milligan says a few tell-tale signs might help parents alleviate their children’s worries and concerns.
“Escapism is one of the things we see in students stressed about study,” Mr Milligan said.
“Panic at the disco is another one, where we see kids plunging into long, late-night study campaigns at silly hours, trying to cover a year’s work in a short time.”
A change in eating habits and temperament is also commonly seen in stressed students.
“It’s not surprising they’ll feel stressed at this important time, but it’s about managing that stress, not disregarding it,” Mr Milligan said.
Schools can provide support and study tips for tackling exam questions and objectives, but added support at home is a major factor in giving students an ideal study space.
“The main thing parents can do to help their kids is to give them plenty of support,” Mr Milligan said.
“A structured study timetable that includes breaks is something important to have.
“A good plan is 30 to 45 minutes of study, then a break, and having a focus for the study time.”