Singapore sling

By Grace Jones | posted on September 13, 2018

AS THE world’s best drivers sling around the track during the Singapore Grand Prix this weekend, the world’s richest spectators will enjoy a taste of the Great Southern.

Through a carefully blended mix of guerilla marketing, plain hard work and vinicultural fortitude, Albany’s Wignalls Wines 2017 Pinot Noir will be served to VIPs as they look to quench their discerning thirst in trackside comfort.

Winemaker Rob Wignall said the opportunity to take his wines to the world quickly accelerated after a chance meeting with an event official.

“I was introduced to the Singapore Grand Prix Director of Food and Wine, Lea Yuen Ming,” he said.

“We went out for dinner where I gave him a sample of some of our wines and he encouraged me to submit some bottles for consideration for the Grand Prix.”

Mr Wignall said only 15 varieties of red wine were selected for the event.

“When they were tasting the wines, they were looking for quality and if they were extremely likable,” he said.

“For such a young wine to be selected is incredible and a massive achievement.

Mr Wignall said the selection of the Pinot Noir would be perfect for the warmer climate of Singapore, which is forecast to reach a top of 29 degrees with 77 per cent humidity on race day.

“Pinot can handle being lightly chilled and is still really quite tasty when cool,” he said.

“Other varieties like Cabernet or Merlot just shrivel up and die when cold, so Pinot is perfect.

“I can just imagine people sipping on a cool glass of Pinot Noir while the Formula 1 cars scream by.”

Mr Wignall said the past two seasons for the Great Southern had been excellent and he would be expecting more recognition for producers to come.

“I’ve been saying for the past 30 years that the Great Southern is a powerhouse for wine. Now it’s really happening,” he said.

“After all these years, the Great Southern is really getting the recognition it deserves for the amazing wines and spirits it produces.”