Black spots given green light

By Ashleigh Fielding | posted on July 31, 2020

THREE mobile black spots in the Great Southern have been addressed with additional mobile base stations opened last week.

Telstra Area General Manager Boyd Brown said the new mobile base stations located at Narrikup West, Gnowangerup/Jerramungup and Mettler were among 218 mobile coverage black spots across regional WA benefitting from expanded 3G and 4G mobile coverage via the Federal Mobile Black Spot Program.

“The activation of these three new sites is making a huge difference to local communities, as well as providing coverage for motorists and tourists travelling on the nearby major roads such as Albany Highway near Narrikup and South Coast Highway near Mettler,” he said.

“Local residents can keep in contact with family and friends and agricultural businesses can now operate more effectively, whether it’s ordering stock on the phone or using a range of online services.”

Mr Brown said the new sites were equipped with a 4GX service which provides a faster mobile network with more consistent data speeds.

He said the new service would also enable mobile enhanced coverage for nearby areas.