By Chris Thomson | posted on January 25, 2019
RYDE BUILDING COMPANY is finalising plans for an apartment block much smaller than a six-floor one refused in 2005 for the former Retravision site on Earl Street.
In recent months, scaffolding and a ladder allowing a second- floor view over Princess Royal Harbour have been seen at the 2900sqm vacant site opposite Albany City Holden.
The scaffolding has been taken down. But a Ryde spokesperson has told The Weekender the firm is finalising plans for the project that will probably be submitted to the City next week.
The spokesperson said nearby residents had been consulted and, to Ryde’s knowledge, nobody had objected.

Ryde’s proposal is for 13 two- floor units – far smaller than a six-floor, 46-unit block proposed for the site in 2005 by Ridgecity Holdings.
Those plans attracted 271 public submissions, most of them objections.
The objections cited the apartment block’s height, appearance, and loss of views for residents occupying houses on sharply rising land to the north.
Concerns were also raised over the apartments’ impact on the Mount Clarence heritage area.
Some submissions supported the apartment block, arguing it would improve the site’s appearance, and energise the edge of Albany’s business district.
A scaled-down block of 39 apartments was later refused by the City. In 2006, Ridgecity Holdings lost its appeal of that decision in the powerful State Administrative Tribunal.
The grassy site, across and down the street from the Earl of Spencer Hotel, has remained vacant ever since.
Current render at top of page: Powerhouse Architectural Drafting