By Ashleigh Fielding | posted on August 6, 2020
ONGERUP Primary School is offering pre-kindergarten enrolments to engage parents and children looking to join the school next year.
A Pre-Kindy Open Afternoon was held last Tuesday and saw families visit the campus and listen to a variety of guest speakers from the school’s specialist support network.
Principal Mark Bruce said children turning four by June 30, 2021 were eligible to enrol in kindergarten next year and pre-kindy this year. Pre-kindy day sessions will be offered weekly during Term 4 over a four-week period.
“We had our last pre-kindy in 2017 and the year after, we had our biggest kindy intake,” he said.
“It went down as a really good event for the school and the town.”
Mr Bruce said pre-kindy had been offered previously at Ongerup Primary to try and boost the school’s population.
The school is the smallest in the Great Southern region this year with just 20 students.
“We have a lot of new mums and dads on the fringe between here and Jerramungup, so we encourage people to come and see what we are all about,” Mr Bruce said.
“It’s about getting parents enthusiastic and involved and helping with children’s school readiness.”
Unique features of Ongerup Primary pointed out by Mr Bruce include the whole school Japanese language program, end-of-year musicals and regular camp excursions.
People interested in joining the Term 4 pre-kindy days can contact Mr Bruce on 9828 2033.