Loan enables bus trial

By Grace Jones | posted on January 10, 2020

AFTER many attempts to get off the ground the Denmark Community Transport Group has received the support required to enable them to commence trials of a bus service next month.

The service will be run under the auspices of Green Skills who, on joining the group, have made available their 14-seat vehicle for the trial.

Transport group spokesman Chris Lendrum said he hopes that members of the Denmark and Albany community will make use of the service running between the towns.

“To ensure continuity of this community initiative, the residents of both Denmark and Albany will need to come together in order to ensure that necessary participation levels are achieved,” he said.

“This could also be supplemented by offering the service to tourists visiting the Great Southern region.

“As a not-for-profit group, the success of the bus service operation will depend totally on this public support to generate the mandatory passenger numbers required to achieve realistic ticket prices, which are reflective of all associated costs involved in providing the service.”

Mr Lendrum said initially there will be a morning and afternoon service running between Denmark and Albany four days a week, these being on a Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Saturday.

He said the morning service would provide a link-up with the direct Transperth bus from Albany to Perth.

“During the period between the two daily service runs when the vehicle is back in Denmark, the group will look at offering services about the Shire of Denmark reflective of the demand by residents or tourists seeking travel assistance,” Mr Lendrum said.

“Information promoting the bus service will be displayed at most public venues, clubs, medical centres and the like along with two contact phone numbers to be used.

“The first number, 9848 2055, will connect the caller to staff at the Denmark Amazing Great Southern Visitors Information Centre where more comprehensive advice on the service will be provided.

“The second number, 0478 357 379, will link the caller to the ‘The Ring a Ride’ booking service where details of their travel requirements will be recorded and associated advice provided.”

Mr Lendrum said any changes made to the booking would be communicated to passengers promptly.

The trial will commence on February 10.