Health precinct approved

By Ashleigh Fielding | posted on August 3, 2017

GREAT Southern Health Precinct is now calling for expressions of interest from medical specialists following the development approval of the project.

The aim of the project is to allow patients to utilise their private health insurance benefits and deliver a wider range of specialist healthcare, and to relieve pressure on the Albany Health Campus.

The precinct will include a new day hospital, resident specialist consulting rooms, telehealth capabilities and visit- ing specialist rooms.

“Stage one of the precinct is the specialist consulting rooms and the day hospital,” project development manager and Realforce developer John Boccamazzo said.

“We are aiming for May or June 2018 for completion of this stage.”

Regional manager for Montserrat Day Hospitals WA, Fiona Cooper, said the precinct will give patients choice for healthcare with the small, boutique hospital style.

“We will be able to cater for day surgeries for ophthalmology, vasectomy, general surgery and gastroenterology,” Ms Cooper said.

“We already have two local surgeons on board as well as myself, and we hope to grow the amount of resident and visiting specialists,” specialist physician Dr Helen van Gessel said.

Mr Boccamazzo said the idea of this precinct was to make sure everything flows.

“We want to complement, enhance and fill any gaps of current health services,” he said.