Higher duties

By Grace Jones | posted on December 8, 2018

FATHER Randolf Subiaco will become the youngest parish priest in the Diocese of Bunbury next year after answering the call to guide the parishioners of Denmark and Mount Barker in 2019.

Father Randolf has been based in Albany for the past two-and-a-half years, serving as the assisting priest for St Joseph’s Church and the St Joseph’s College chaplain.

“I completed my studies and was told I was needed in Albany,” he said.

“It’s definitely not a standard thing to be sent to Albany.

“I’ve since become a counsellor as well, that’s recognised in Australia.”

Father Randolf said as a 32-yearold parish priest, he wanted to bring more youth-orientated programs to his parishioners as well as provide his counselling services.

And while he would provide the traditional Catholic services to the far reaches of his parish, he was also hoping to reach out to help people in need of support.

“With my counselling services I can give support for people that might be struggling with substance abuse and other issues,” he said.

“Having both spiritual support and mental support is important.”

“I’ll spend parts of my week between Mt Barker, Cranbrook, Frankland, Pardalup Prison, Denmark and Walpole.

“There will be lots of driving, that’s for sure.”