Entries open for Wavefest

By Grace Jones | posted on May 11, 2018

ALBANY Boardriders Club will celebrate the 21st birthday of its Wavefest surfing competition this June long weekend.

The South Coast’s premier surfing event attracts competitors from throughout the state for two days of surfing before they let their hair down for the presentation party.

Club president Peter Bolt said the competition will run the same as in previous years, but the presentation party will feature something a little different.

“We’ll have our usual presentation for the winners, but we’ll also have a raffle for the door prize,” he said.

“Adrian Shepherd from Aido’s Boardroom has made a custom-made surfboard to be raffled off.

“All people have to do is pay for their entrance and they’ll be entered into the raffle.

“The event is open to anyone in the surfing community that wants to attend.”

Nominations close on May 23, which is 10 days earlier than last year so the Wavefest shirts have a chance to be printed and distributed to competitors.

“For the men’s and women’s open competition the prize money is a $1000 each,” Bolt said.

“We also encourage our juniors to have a go. They’re definitely not exempt from competing in Wavefest.”

For entry forms and more information on the 21st annual Wavefest visit www.albanysurf.com.