Denmark to trial markets

By Grace Jones | posted on September 20, 2019

MARKET lovers will be able to trial a fresh food market held in the Denmark Community Resource Centre car park every Saturday for the next six months.

During the Shire of Denmark council meeting on Tuesday night, councillors voted six to one in favour of the trial with councillor Janine Phillips voting against the motion.

During public question time Denmark Chamber of Commerce CEO Liz Jack said the trialled market could help businesses and the community as an attractor to the area.

“Our community is still very reliant on microbusiness though,” she said.

“Please don’t leave your small businesses behind.”

Stallholder Josie Mitchell said the backbone of the Kwoorabup Market was the fruit and vegetables that were sold and the proposed markets on a Saturday would threaten their enterprise.

“The primary reason for punters to visit our markets on a Sunday is the fruit and vegetables,” she said.

Councillors Kingsley Gibson and Roger Seeney moved and seconded the motion.

Cr Gibson said there had been concerns raised about what the markets would do to local business.

“My opinion is that these things are attractors,” he said.

“I acknowledge that there are concerns, but we have to weigh these things up.

“Competition isn’t unhealthy, and the fact that it’s a six month trail benefits the community.”

The trial Fresh Food Markets will operate each Saturday from October 5 from 8.30am to 12pm until March 28 next year.

The markets will have produce only sourced from the Great Southern such as fruit, vegetables, dairy, meats, coffee, preserves, soaps, natural cosmetics, candles and local wines.