By Chris Thomson | posted on January 25, 2019
ALBANY is on the list of ports Captain Cook never visited to be on the itinerary of an anti-clockwise circumnavigation to commemorate the master navigator’s first voyage to the great southern land.
On Tuesday, Prime Minister Scott Morrison said the Australian National Maritime Museum would be given $6.7 million to take its replica of Cook’s Endeavour around Australia.
Mr Morrison said that as the 250th anniversary of Cook’s 1770 voyage to the east coast neared, the Government wanted “to help Australians better understand Captain Cook’s historic voyage and its legacy for exploration, science and reconciliation”.
“That voyage is the reason Australia is what it is today and it’s important we take the opportunity to reflect on it,” he said.
Last year, plans announced by Mr Morrison to erect a statue of Cook at Botany Bay drew a mixed reaction from Aboriginal people.
Pastor Ray Minniecon, an Aboriginal man, who has helped organise ‘Invasion Day’ protests on Australia Days past, told SBS the idea was upsetting. Meanwhile, La Perouse Aboriginal Land Council Chair Noeleen Timbery told SBS the project was more than just a single monument to Cook.
The Endeavour replica will sail from Sydney in March 2020, and head south to Hobart before turning north to start a circumnavigation of mainland Australia.
Mr Morrison said the ship was likely to stop at Albany, among dozens of other ports.
Photo of Endeavour replica: ‘Bahnfrend’, Wikimedia Commons, under Creative Commons Attribution Share Alike 4.0 International licence.