Dining in style for Sailability

GREAT Southern locals are being encouraged to dress up in their finest white attire this Sunday in support of a sailing club’s disability program.

Sailability is an initiative that aims to get people of all abilities into sailing through specialised equipment and experienced support.

Now in its third year, the annual Le Dejenur en Blanc – white picnic for the non-French speaking linguists – is an afternoon of picnicking that raises funds for Princess Royal Sailing Club’s (PRSC) Sailability program.

Held on picture-perfect parkland right next to the sailing club, attendees are asked to setup their own picnic spread and let the good times roll as local musicians entertain.

Gracing the stage will be the Albany Pipe Band, Phil and Plune, Shanty Lilies, Mike Hyder and David Rastrick.

Raising almost $7000 since the event first started in 2018, organiser Georgie Walker is hoping for another strong turn out on Sunday.

“We’ve got a coffee van this year,” she said.

“People have asked me about having add-ons, but I feel it’s enough to ask them to bring everything.”

There’s also a prize for best looking table, with the winner banking dinner for four at Lime 303.

“Some of the ideas are fantastic,” Ms Walker said.

“It was really difficulty to judge last year’s winner.

“People do go out of the way with their food and presentation. It looks great.”

Since the Sailability program started at PRSC about a decade ago, it’s played a big role in re-shaping the identity of the club, according to former Commodore Clive Walker.

“We’re reaching out more into the community, rather than just being all about racing,” he said.

“We’ve spent about $250,000 on infrastructure since the program began.

“Originally there wasn’t even a ramp into the front of the club. It’s made a huge difference to people.”

Mr Walker said the club also took people with disabilities out fishing if that was more their thing.

“It’s growing,” he said. “Royal Perth Yacht Club said we probably have the best Sailability program in the state right now.”

With the introduction of the National Disability Insurance Scheme, Mr Walker said participants could even have their sailing fees covered.

“If they come to the club they can get the details, but NDIS will cover even the $55-an-hour coaching fees,” he said.

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Dave feels the burn

‘DEMONIC’ Dave is his name and chilli is his game.

Albany man Dave Shorter has been munching on chillis and all things hot and spicy since he was five years old and is aiming to lock down the title of Chilli King in just about every competition there is in existence.

He is part of the UK’s League of Fire, is an accredited top-tier Golden Ladle Chilli Head with the N.E.U.K Chilli Heads and is now eyeing the title of best in Australia when it comes to eating hot things.

Mr Shorter already has the title of best in WA but that’s not enough.

So, he’s heading to New Zealand in May to take on the eating challenge of eating challenges.

But before he goes, Mr Shorter has been hard at work accruing points in various chilli food challenges.

The rules are simple: eating certain foods is worth a certain amount of points, and the winner is the person with the most points.

Each challenge must be filmed live and you have to film the “afterburn” too, not just the eating part.

The hottest thing he’s had recently was the Tube of Terror.

“It’s a tube of peanuts,” Mr Shorter said.

“I had cramps for about six hours afterwards.

“And when I’ve spoken to lady competitors, they compared the cramps to giving birth.”

Mr Shorter has to eat chilli in some shape or form regularly to maintain his ability to eat it successfully.

The key to eating it successfully also comes down to prep work – he drinks plenty of milk and eats lots of carbs beforehand, and drinks lemon and lime juice afterwards.

He has chilli-flavoured candy every day at lunch time – his co-workers find it weird and hilarious.

But, chilli is Mr Shorter’s thing and he loves it.

So much so, he wants to start a chilli festival in Albany.

“We need to bring chilli to Albany,” he said.

“It could be our thing.

“We could invite growers from Perth and over east and they’d supply their products, and it would encourage local growers as well.”

Mr Shorter is currently working on a chilli-eating challenge with new Lockyer cafe D&C Grill Taste of Albany.

You can watch Demonic Dave take on food challenges with Carolina Reaper Peppers, Scorpion Chilli, Bhut Jolokia Chilli and 13M Capsaicin Crystals, or offer him some of your own chilli-hot products to review, on his Facebook page.

Just search Dave Shorter.

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Donate to share the dignity

FOR most women, buying sanitary products is something they don’t give a second thought about.

They need them, so they buy them; if anything, they see them as just another annoying thing they have to add to the shopping list.

But for some women, buying these essential items is difficult – they can’t afford them, they have been prevented by others from buying them, or they have to forgo them for other essentials, like food.

Share the Dignity is a charity designed to aid girls and women experiencing homelessness, domestic violence or poverty by giving them sanitary products such as pads and tampons.

The organisation has an annual Dignity Drive for such products and the Albany drive starts next month.

“There are so many people using services like this in Albany,” Coordinator Trish Robinson said.

“I was contacted once by a school because a young girl had been using the same tampon for two days … the health risks associated with that are huge.

“I’ve heard of people using toilet paper or socks instead of sanitary products … and it’s not just young girls – there’s a whole generation of women out there without pads and tampons.

“That’s why it is so important that we can do this.”

The Albany Dignity Drive begins on March 1 and will continue until March 31.

There will be collection points for sanitary products – pads, tampons, incontinence pads, cups, and underwear – at various stores across Albany, including Woolworths, for that time period.

“We only ask for products, not money,” Ms Robinson said.

“And anything collected in the Great Southern stays in the Great Southern.”

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Stephens new Labor candidate

CITY of Albany Councillor Rebecca Stephens will join the fight for the Seat of Albany at the 2021 election as the candidate for WA Labor.

The Tuesday announcement was made just eight days after current Albany Labor MP Peter Watson revealed he would retire from his position at the next election.

Ms Stephens is the Regional Manager for the Great Southern-Esperance region for Worklink, has volunteered with various school and community boards and has been a member of the Albany Surf Life Saving Club for more than 20 years.

She paid tribute to outgoing Member Mr Watson.

“Albany is a better place because of what Watto has achieved,” Ms Stephens said.

“I look forward to representing my community and campaigning for the re-election of the McGowan Labor Government.”

Premier Mark McGowan described Ms Stephens as an “outstanding candidate” who was ready to “take the baton” from Mr Watson.

“I’m proud to have Rebecca on my team, so we can continue to deliver on our plan for Albany, to create new local jobs, build the infrastructure Albany needs and upgrade important health and education services,” he said.

Mr Watson said he was excited Ms Stephens had been chosen as the WA Labor candidate for Albany as she “shares the same values as I do to put Albany first”.

Albany City Motors Financial Director Scott Leary is expected to join Ms Stephens in the race for the Seat of Albany as the sole nominee for pre-selection for the WA Liberal Party.

Other political parties are yet to announce their candidates.

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Heroic war animals remembered

ANIMALS who have assisted with war efforts throughout history will be remembered at an event this weekend at Albany’s National Anzac Centre.

National War Animals Memorial Day commemorations will commence at 11am on February 23 and include a display by the 10th Light Horse Albany Troop.

Troop President Maxine Brown said this year was the first time the event had ever been held in Albany.

“It recognises all animals who have served in all wars, not just the wars within the past 100 years,” she said.

“Animals, particularly horses, were used to transport troops and gear, but animals were also used as mascots.

“And then you’ve got the explosive detective dogs that are used in Afghanistan, and a lot of dogs become very good companions to soldiers with PTSD.

“Animals are just so important.”

Premier Mark McGowan will travel to Albany to attend the Sunday event and said the opportunity to commemorate mateship and the role of loyal animals was very special.

“Animals including horses, dogs and even pigeons have been loyal mates for our troops in times of need and it is fitting we recognise their role as part of the National War Animals Memorial Day,” he said.

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Car show a rare vintage

A FAMILY passion passed down through the generations is the backbone of an annual event that showcases all things vintage cars, tractors and machinery.

This Saturday’s fifth annual Cars & Coffee is a chance for Great Southern motoring enthusiasts to display and sell their treasured collectables.

The event is the brainchild of the Walmsley family, who have been running the swapmeet since it started in 2014.

The late George Walmsley was a passionate collector of vintage machinery.

According to grandson Charles Walmsley, he owned one of the biggest Massey-Ferguson tractor collections in Australia, and passed his love for vintage pieces down the family tree.

“When my grandfather passed, it was all handed down to my father Gordon and he wanted to showcase it,” Charles said.

“He wanted to open a museum but this was the next best thing.

“We also wanted to showcase what we have and what everyone else in the community has in their collections.”

A gold coin donation gets you entry, with all proceeds going towards running the event and supporting not-for-profit group Albany Community Hospice.

There will be food vans and coffee vans onsite, or you’re welcome to bring your own snacks and refreshments.

People with interesting wares to sell are also encouraged to setup small stalls.

“The beauty of our event, unlike a lot of car shows, is people can come and go whenever they want – you don’t have to stay,” Charles said.

“We are doing it the week before Racewars as a bit of a warm up. There will be a lot of Racewars cars here.”

Charles said Cars & Coffee was a great networking opportunity for classic car enthusiasts, offering up the chance to buy a gem piece you’ve always dreamed of.

The event will be held from 10am to 3pm this Saturday at 278 Robinson Road, Albany.

For more information about the event, contact Charles Walmsley on 0439 097 515.

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Financial fight for CWA flats

IN A last-ditch effort to save Albany Seaside Flats from divestment after the budget accommodation site failed to secure funding for crucial renovations three times, its volunteer committee must raise $50,000 in the next three months for the site to be considered for funding once more.

The site, located on Flinders Parade in Middleton Beach, currently has four operational one, two and three-bedroom units.

The Country Women’s Association (CWA) of WA site was originally designed to offer affordable accommodation to regional and remote families, but now offers inexpensive accommodation to anyone.

Three older units on the site, built in 1938, were closed in 2013 after 75 years of use due to their poor condition.

Secretary Anne Radys, Finance Officer Anne Barton, Committee Member Peg Vickers and Caretaker Laura Ferrell said the Albany Seaside Flats committee had discussed taking financial and administrative control of the accommodation site for many years with the CWA of WA State Committee – so they could work on upgrading the old facilities – but it was to no avail.

Only recently, the group said, was the committee awarded the control it needed.

Now, CWA of WA has given the committee a May deadline to fundraise a minimum of $50,000 before the decision to fully fund the renovation can be put to a state vote for the fourth time.

“They are part of Albany’s social history,” Ms Vickers said of Albany Seaside Flats.

“We didn’t have much back then but staying here was something I still remember, and it was absolutely wonderful.

“Losing them now would be like giving up the crown jewels.”

The three 1938-built units in question are heritage-listed and cannot be demolished.

The other option is to fund extensive and expensive renovations.

This includes installing firewalls, asbestos removal, replacing the ceilings, updating the kitchens and replacing the floor coverings.

CWA of WA State President Elaine Johnson explained that the issue of financing these renovations had been put forward to the CWA State Conference several times, but had failed to secure support and funding each time.

“A motion was carried at State Conference in 2014 to approve renovations of units A, B and C for up to $120,000 but no funding source was identified,” she said.

“Branches were consulted by postal vote in 2016 in an attempt to seek funds to support the required renovations or return the property to the State, and the response to the vote was mixed; it did not lead to a decision to fund the renovations, and further investigation into projected costs was authorised by the Board and approved as a motion at the 2017 State Conference.

“The renovations were proposed to the membership at the State Conference as a Statewide fundraiser, but this motion was lost.”

Ms Johnson said various other proposals had been considered by the Board, but they were deemed unsuitable.

This was because the financial model was “not sufficiently proven to justify the re-allocation of assets, nor do the units provide a sufficient community benefit to risk undermining the Association’s asset base and independence”.

“It is noted that the property is a Crown Grant in Trust, which means the Association cannot realise any funds invested into infrastructure, as if it wishes to divest the property it will need to return it to the State, subject to the approval of the Minister for Lands.”

Ms Barton is starting a crowd funding account which the public can donate to if they wish to support the cause.

The Albany Seaside Flats committee will also host a fashion show in April to assist the effort.

While the Weekender was speaking with the group about this issue, Ms Ferrell turned away bookings from potential clients as she had no room for them to stay.

She said the accommodation site was frequently booked out during the year and that it lost money by not being able to offer more accommodation, as the three 1938-built units sat empty.

“How can we make money if we can’t fix and use these units?” Ms Ferrell questioned.

President Ms Johnson said a minimum of $280,000 was required to lift the three 1938-built units to a “holiday lettable standard”.

She said she understood the community sentiment and history associated with the property and hoped the Albany community could help to save the units.

“CWA of WA cannot do this alone as the costs are high and returns low when you are dealing with budget family accommodation,” Ms Johnson said.

“As the units continue to deteriorate there is some urgency.”

A crowd funding link will soon be launched on the Albany Seaside Flats Facebook page to give community members the opportunity to financially support the cause.

Alternatively, people can call Ms Barton on 0412 937 641 to make a donation or donate direct to the account here: BSB 633 000, Acc 172 407 363.

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Novel idea features local writers

NEARLY a quarter of a new fiction book released this month was written by a group of Albany and Denmark authors.

Once: A selection of short short stories was published on January 18 and features stories written by Matt Beamish, Yann Toussaint, Ellie Fisher, Mark Hackleton, Rachel Isaacson, Izzy Mead and Bronwyn Jones.

The book was created by Perth-based Night Parrot Press who put the call out to authors last year to submit their flash fiction, micro fiction and hybrid fiction.

These genres constrain the author to writing no more than 500 words – to give you an idea, this news story is just under 300 words.

There will be a celebration at Six Degrees tonight from 5-7pm to commemorate the launch of the book, as well as a Flash Fiction Workshop on Saturday, February 1.

Night Parrot Press editors and publishers Laura Keenan and Linda Martin will teach people how to write big stories in less than 500 words.

“We feel a particular affinity for Albany; there’s such a talented pool of writers there, and a very supportive and enthusiastic literary community,” Keenan said.

“There is already so much great fiction, poetry and creative non-fiction that comes out of Albany and now it’s really exciting to be able to work with another genre – flash fiction.

“Flash fiction continues to gain momentum in WA and the rest of Australia, but it’s still a relatively new form, so we’re hoping to share its charms and challenges through workshops like these and future publications and readings.”

The Flash Fiction Workshop will be held at UWA Albany from 9.30am to noon and is a ticketed event.

Interested people can book online at nightparrotpress.com


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Roe absorbs Jerri Shire

THE Shire of Jerramungup will no longer be part of the seat of Albany for the 2021 state election after changes to State electoral boundaries were formalised last week.

The reshuffle, conducted by the Western Australian Electoral Distribution Commission, will see Jerramungup cede from the District of Albany currently held by Labor MP Peter Watson.

It will be absorbed by the agriculture District of Roe, held by Nationals WA’s Peter Rundle, which will in turn lose the shires of Kulin, Wickepin and Cuballing to balance elector numbers in the Central Wheatbelt.

The changes come three months after Jerramungup councillors unanimously voted to lodge an objection to the Commission about the move (‘Boundaries crossed’, 29 August).

In his report to council at the time, Shire CEO Martin Cuthbert claimed the decision would have “detrimental effects” on the work the Shire had put into building a relationship with the City of Albany.

“The Shire of Jerramungup believes it does not share a community interest with the majority of the Roe District,” he wrote.

Jerramungup originally joined the Albany electorate in 2015 and has since coordinated a number of economic, tourism and advocacy efforts with the City and the shires of Denmark and Plantagenet.

“The Commissioners have decided to affirm their decision,” the report read.

“Alteration of state electoral boundaries should not prevent continued each Parliament.

Retired judge Eric Heenan, government statistician Tom Joseph, Electoral Commissioner David Kerslake and Acting Electoral Commissioner Chris Avent led the review.

Shire of Jerramungup CEO Martin Cuthbert was contacted for comment.

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Christmas activities raise festive spirits

THIS weekend is jam-packed with activities to get the Great Southern into the festive spirit.

Twilight markets, a Christmas-themed outdoor movie, giant snow globes and Santa are some of the entertainment ready to roll into the Albany Town Square and Alison Hartman Gardens on December 6 and 7 as part of the Christmas Festival and Pageant.

Expanded to two nights, the Christmas Festival and Pageant this year includes a Friday night program that includes the lighting of the Christmas Tree next to Albany Public Library, followed by a screening of the 2018 film The Grinch, all from 4pm.

Festivities continue at 3pm on Saturday with live music, kids’ activities, entertainment and food vendors.

The Christmas Pageant will begin at 6pm with 45 floats from schools, businesses and community groups marching up York Street.

Green Skills is holding a Twilight Market in the Town Square on Friday and Saturday from 3pm to coincide with the festivities and has a sustainable Christmas theme.

City of Albany Mayor Dennis Wellington encouraged everyone in the region to come into the city centre and get into the festive spirit with the whole community.

“The Christmas Festival and Pageant is always a highlight on the calendar and it’s a great way for families to have some fun and celebrate the year that has been and look forward to the Christmas break,” he said.

More information on the festival pageant and road closures can be found online at albany.wa.gov.au or by calling 6820 3000.

Pictured here are Logan and Harper Wilkinson, who are more than excited about this weekend’s events.

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