By Ashleigh Fielding | posted on November 15, 2019
KMART Albany’s 18th year of collecting gifts for children and families in need at Christmas time has begun and the Great Southern community is encouraged to get in on the action.
The Kmart Albany Wishing Tree Appeal was officially launched yesterday, marked by a special performance by the Mount Lockyer Primary School Choir.
The Appeal provides a donation point for the community to give presents, vouchers and money for people in need so they too, can have a special Christmas.
Kmart Albany Team Leader Anthony Turner said the store was able to collect 1000 gifts last year and hoped to smash that target this year.
“There’s a lot of people in town who need help and miss out at Christmas time,” he said.
“I think they can feel like they’re not seen, like they are in the shadows, so hopefully this can bring them a bit of joy and make them feel remembered.”
The Appeal is operated in conjunction with the Salvation Army.
Mr Turner said donated presents could be purchased from any store and should be left unwrapped, as the Salvation Army need to be able to identify the presents to allocate them to the appropriately-aged people.
He said toys were often a popular choice of donation but encouraged people to consider presents suited to teenagers, adults and the elderly as well.
However, you can donate to the Appeal without purchasing a gift – simply go online at, place money in a collection box at any Kmart register, contribute money during your transaction or take a bauble tag off the Wishing Tree and scan it at the register.
The Appeal runs until December 24 but monetary donations will be accepted until January 31.