Tourist hub has leading edge tech

By Grace Jones | posted on April 7, 2018

THE doors were opened to the Albany Tourism and Information Hub in time for the influx of Easter visitors on Friday, following a last-minute scurry to get it across the line.

With construction of the building taking just over a year to complete under the watchful eye of passers-by in the CBD, locals and tourists alike have been eager to inspect the new facility.

The Weekender was fortunate enough to get a sneak peek before the opening as the finishing touches were being applied to the state-of-the-art building.

Visitors can expect the latest in tourism technology right at their finger tips with touch screen kiosks to book accommodation, tours and to find out what’s happening in the region upon arrival.

One of the most innovative promotional tools, however, is a virtual reality experience that takes visitors to places that they just can’t get to in real life.

City of Albany Visitor Services Project Leader Hamish Fell said the VR experience was a different way of thinking about promoting the region.

“It took about a week to shoot all the footage we needed for the VR video,” he said.

“During the experience you go places where you wouldn’t be able to in real life.

“There’s a part where you go swimming with killer whales at the Bremer Canyon.

“No one has ever done a 360 degree film of killer whales before the technology only just came out and we used that for the film.”

Pedestrians along York Street will also be treated to a display, with the distinct upper-level windows fitted with special glass.

“Our windows are built with the capability to project images on to,” Mr Fell said.

“So we’ll be able to link up with social media and see what people are posting with links like #amazingsouthcoast and share the photos they’re taking.

“People are taking amazing photos and footage of the region and it will be great to share it with everyone.

“There’s nowhere else in Australia with this glass.”