18th century concert to roque

By Isabel Vieira | posted on January 8, 2021

CLASSICAL music enthusiasts will have the opportunity to witness a historical performance from the Baroque era.

The Historically Informed Performance Company (HIP Company) is a group of young Perth musicians who specialise in 17th and 18th century musical performances.

HIP Company Co-director and Soprano Bonnie de la Hunty said the group conducts careful research to try and emulate the style of the era.

“The concert showcases music from the Baroque era,” she said.

“It’s a whole mixture of music from our favourite places such as Italy, Germany, France and England from that time.

“There will be strings and soprano, two violins and cello.”

In the group’s effort to emulate the eras music style, the musicians use historically accurate instruments in their performances.

Ms de la Hunty said using the historical instruments allow the group to combine tradition with innovation in their concerts.

“For the string players it means their strings are made of gut, actual wound animal gut as they were back at the time,” she said.

“Modern violins and cellos use synthetic strings.

“It just means they have to be played in a certain style, tuned in a certain way and give a certain sound.”

The Albany concert will mark the group’s first tour outside of Perth.

Ms de la Hunty said the group hopes to continue touring regionally in coming years.

“We love seeing different parts of WA and bringing this type of music to different parts of the world,” she said.

“We hope that it’s something lots of different aged groups could enjoy, we like to chat to the audience and explain where things are from and the historical instruments.

“We’ve also done things like play jazz music on Baroque instruments, and some of our own arrangements of old pieces to give a sort of a modern spin.”

The HIP Company will be performing an engaging concert at the Albany Uniting Church on January 12 at 2pm, tickets can be purchased online at www.trybooking.com/bntbk or at the door.